The Generalapos;s Hu

The Generalapos;s Hu

author: Moimoi
classification: Science fiction
update: 4分鐘前

Others burn incense for blessings, praying for the well-being and happiness of their parents, relatives, spouses, and children. They pray for their husbands' success in their careers, for their children to find suitable partners, and for themselves to achieve fame and fortune...,That day, as usual, I cleansed my hands and lit incense. Just as I was about to place three incense sticks in the incense burner, kneeling with my knees bent towards it, a voice suddenly called out, "Sister,"... 。Xia Zhiyu naturally had sisters, but those sisters weren't equal. There were two extremely favored ones because they were born from the stepmother's womb. The other two, like Xia Zhiyu, were of humble birth, and from the moment they were born, their lives were all under the control of the stepmother. 。As a child born out of wedlock, Xia Zhiyu followed her aunt's teachings and from a young age, she understood her place. She never competed or fought for anything, always following the rules and striving for a simple life, not seeking wealth or power. But her obedience did not bring her the life she hoped for; in the end, she was still just a pawn manipulated by others. 。It seems like just a blink of an eye, and a lifetime has passed. 。,Xia Zhiyu slowly turned, standing before a pretty woman not far away. Her appearance was beautiful, and because she was in her prime years, it added to her charm. If it wasn't for the sudden upheaval at home, she should have been married to an equally handsome husband during her best years, instead of ending up in Houfu, becoming a concubine to an old man.。

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