I borrowed a brain f

I borrowed a brain f

classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年08月29日

Chen Lo grabbed the straw mat beside him with one hand and moved the person into the mud pit.,Facing his uncle's teasing, Chen Luo simply ignored him. He put the corpse down and climbed out of the pit again, preparing to carry the last one. At this time, the rain got heavier, mixed with wind, blowing on his face painfully. A puddle beside them was washed away by the rainwater, forming a small mudslide that turned both of their pants legs yellow. The straw mat wrapped around the corpse was also washed open by the mudslide. Chen Luo, blinded by the rain, accidentally caught the skull through the mat.,But Chen Luo tried many ways, but he couldn't get in touch with the martial arts level. To be precise, among all the people he knew, none of them had truly come into contact with martial arts. This is not surprising, the privilege class monopolizes power from birth, and it rarely trickles down. The society before his time travel was the most direct proof. Everyone knew that those who played finance made money, but how many could truly play finance At best, they were '韭菜' or 'tools', going in to be harvested by this kind of 'pseudo-finance'. The real bigwigs who manipulate finance are separated from the lower levels.。

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