High School Campus S

High School Campus S

author: anonymous
classification: Science fiction
update: 8分鐘前

Guys, a few of us chuckled wryly. 。Oh, why is life always so monotonous It would be nice to have some excitement! I'm looking up at the vast sky and feeling a surge of longing. 。Suddenly, a shadow flitted across the corner of my eye. 。My nonchalant glance, oh, a child, with a backpack, walking slowly towards the school gate. 。I aimed at the back, and an idea suddenly popped into my head: I've got it!,I can't speak for others. 。"Yeah! Looking at this, no need to say anything, it's excellent! Following this logic, his face shouldn't be too bad either. " 。That's not necessarily so. 。“Have you ever heard a saying” Wen Ge said solemnly, “Some people make men feel this way: looking at the back makes them want to commit a crime, looking at the side makes them want to seduce themselves, and looking at the front makes them want to retreat.” 。Then I'd rather not see that face. 。"What I said in the table was: 'I would rather commit a crime first, then turn back!' ""Makes sense... hehe, look at your walking posture, twisting your butt with every step..." 。"That's awesome!","Damn it, so cunning, he got away so fast!" someone cursed out.。

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